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- To: Bridge Studio Directors
- From: Micro Specials
- Contact: Howard Gitelson, (612) 829-0594
- Date: May 1, 1986
- New Bridge sCOREkeeper System Just Released
- Bridge enthusiasts, and especially Bridge Directors, will be happy to hear
- that a complete duplicate bridge scoring system called sCOREkeeper is now
- available from Micro Specials of Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Designed for any IBM
- PC or compatible with 80 column display and 256K memory, the sCOREkeeper system
- provides a fast, easy and fun way to maintain duplicate bridge competition
- scores and much more.
- Among other features, sCOREkeeper delivers multi-section scores,
- matchpoints, percentages, rankings and individual printed results for each
- participating team. It also generates random "computer hands" and keeps
- cumulative records of all duplicate session winners and ACBL awards. The
- system's strengths are its simple one-touch controls, its flexibility and the
- ease of information entry, review, correction and printout.
- sCOREkeeper displays information in spreadsheet format. All possible
- functions are highlighted on the bottom two lines of the display screen. With a
- single keystroke, the user can perform functions such as switch between data
- displays, page across scoresheets or between sections, display overall scores of
- individual hand matchpoints, or print the current standings.
- Up to 5 separate sections can be scored simultaneously with up to 19 tables
- per section. Options that can be done across multiple sections include
- matchpointing, calculating overall winners and obtaining overall scores scaled
- for different section averages. sCOREkeeper easily handles AVE, AVE- and AVE+
- scores as well as most Mitchell, Howell and Barometer bridge movements.
- Information can be entered into sCOREkeeper from the pickup slips for each
- round and/or from the "travelers" at the end of the entire session. Raw scores
- are entered only once for either the north/south pairs or the east/west pairs.
- Partial scores are permitted and scores can be easily corrected for any round at
- any time. Results of overall standings and individual hands are simple to print
- and easy to read. All information, including ACBL award winners, is also saved
- on disk for future reference.
- Using auxiliary programs, the sCOREkeeper system can also generate random
- "computer hands" and keep track of cumulative ACBL masterpoint winners. The
- random hand generator prints individual slips so each hand can be made up at the
- beginning of the match, and also hand summary sheets that can be given to all
- participants at the end of the competition. The record keeping program keeps
- track of ACBL award winners in up to 99 different categories.
- The complete permanent system costs only $395, or a trial system can be
- purchased for just $25. Orders should be sent to Micro Specials, 9704 Mill
- Creek Dr., Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (please allow two weeks for delivery).
- - END -